
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Four minerals that come from space

Hi mineral lovers, I'm Adrian and today I'm going to talk about five minerals that come from space, so...LET'S BEGIN!

Firstly we have the krotite, a new mineral discovered recently. A group of scientists were investigating an "egg-meteorite" and later discovered the first mineral formed in our Solar System. Also they say that maybe it is older than the Earth.

Secondly we have wassonite that was discovered with the krokite. It's very little and also the krokite is older that the wassonite, but scientists say that it can be more expensive that the wassonite because there are only a few.

In the third place we have the moldavite. It doesn't come exactly from space, but it is formed from the heat forming the bump. If you see moldevite, maybe you can see meteorite fragments on it.

Finally we have the platinum. It is called platinum because before the people confused the platinum with silver. In Spanish, silver is called "Plata" and platinum is called "Platino". A Spanish scientist put those names because silver and platinum are very similar. You can find this mineral actually on Earth, but two million years ago a big group of meteorites impacted in our planet and inside them there was platinum.

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